Dental Emergencies That Require Emergency Dentistry Services

When you have a dental emergency, you need prompt care from an experienced professional. An emergency dentist is an oral health specialist that can help you with urgent situations, including severe tooth pain and bleeding from the mouth. This type of care can be more effective than visiting the emergency room, and you can avoid the risk of worsening your dental problems.

There are many situations that require emergency dentistry services, from severe toothaches to knocked out teeth. Anyone can experience a dental emergency, but people who engage in contact sports or have a history of dental problems are at higher risk for trauma to their teeth and gums.

Toothache Pain

Severe tooth pain should never be ignored, as it may signal a more serious dental health issue. Pain that is accompanied by pressure sensations, swelling of the mouth or jaw, fever, and draining sores is often a sign of an infection or other condition that needs treatment immediately.

A cracked or broken tooth should be treated right away to ward off infection and prevent further structural damage. If a broken tooth has spiked edges, use dental wax to cover them temporarily to keep from scratching your tongue or cheek. Knocked-out teeth can sometimes be reimplanted if you seek help quickly. Locate any fragments and gently clean them before placing them back into the socket. Be sure to hold the tooth by its crown and not its root.

Dental abscesses are a painful condition that requires immediate treatment. This complication results from an infected tooth root, and it can cause serious complications, including fever, sinus pressure, and open or draining sores in the mouth. Emergency dentists can treat abscesses before they become life-threatening, alleviating your symptoms and preventing more serious dental issues down the road.

Tooth Fillings

A loose or dislodged tooth filling should be replaced as soon as possible to ward off discomfort and further damage. If you have lost a tooth filling, our emergency dentist can provide a replacement restoration that keeps your smile intact.

Other dental emergencies that can be addressed by an emergency dentist include bleeding from the mouth, severe sensitivity that cannot be relieved with over-the-counter treatments, and mouth or jaw swelling that does not subside. Any of these signs indicates a need for immediate treatment, and an emergency dentist can address them in most cases, even after hours.

If you are experiencing a dental emergency, call a dental clinic in Northbrook, IL right away to schedule an appointment. They will be happy to address your concerns and guide you through further care arrangements.

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